Saturday, May 26, 2007

Everybody else is doing it, so why can't I?

Hello, and welcome to yet another blog!

There's something off-puttingly self-indulgent about blogs, which usually, well, puts me off them. But I've decided to give in to the temptation to make one. After all, my own Dad has been blogging shamelessly for months now with no ill effects, and as a person who believes in communities, it seems odd not to be a part of the global community.

So this blog will be about whatever I have to contribute to the "global conversation" - the things I know, the things I'm trying to figure out, and the things I just want to share. I'm a student, interested in religion, mathematics and psychology, so these are probably what I'll talk about most.

And tomorrow, I'll explain what a "dronf" is...

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